System Protect - Prevent Unauthorized Deleting

Download System Protect

I've seen many instances where a well intentioned person deleted important Windows Operating System files, thinking they were freeing up space, only to find out that they completely destroyed their computer. While you may think 'this can't happen to me,' if you share a computer with anyone (kids, spouse, in-laws) you are putting your computing sanity at risk. Enter System Protect, an application designed to prevent the accidental deletion of important system files. You can also protect documents and files you don't want deleted. Using System Protect is a handy way to help make sure a virus doesn't futz with your system too. The downside is you'll have to enter a password to make some kinds of changes to your system, but particularly for Windows XP, this can cut down on unwanted support headaches and may just save you from losing data. [Windows 2k/XP/Vista $0.00]