Cherub - Joss Whedon Angel Parody

Watch Cherub

I'm not a Joss Whedon fan. At least not the drooling fanboy type that waits with baited anticipation for the next script to erupt from Whedon's golden pen. I liked Firefly, Serenity was killer, Toy Story remains a favorite in the children's realm and I even dug Titan A.E., but I never latched on to Buffy or Angel with the passion that puts fan site Whedonesque as the number one search for his name. I say all this because some of the subtlety of Cherub, a self-described slapstick parody of Angel, is certainly lost to a person like me who hasn't devoured everything Joss Whedon ever penned. And yet, I'm anxiously awaiting the fourth installment of the Cherub series after watching the first three online. Sure it's slightly campy and the budget is limited, but there's something about watching the first three episodes of Cherub (the vampire in bunny slippers) that makes me want to come back for more. The story lines are clever, the acting is inspired and 4-7 minutes is just enough time to deliver the plot of an episode. If you like smart writing and want to experience something better than a rerun of the Star Wars kid video on YouTube, Cherub should be near the top of your weekly playlist. 12 episodes make up the first season with a new episode every Friday.