The Salton Sea

Run Time: 103 minutes
Director: DJ Caruso
Starring: Val Kilmer
Rating: R
DVD Release Date: September 7, 2004

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The Salton Sea For some reason, I either love Val Kilmer's movies, or absolutely despise them. For instance, I loved his characters in The Doors, and Tombstone, and even Real Genius was surprisingly brilliant. On the flip side, The Island of Doctor Moreau and Red Planet are far down the list of movies I'd ever consider watching again.

The Salton Sea falls into the category of good Kilmer movies. In it, Kilmer plays a police informant, caught up in a world of Meth dealing, after the murder of his wife leaves him searching for meaning. Vincent D'Onofrio plays brilliantly as the drug dealer Pooh Bear, adding an uncomfortable quality to the story that strengthens the plot. The entire movie, from it's hilarious history of speed beginning, is a noir cinematic adventure, unlike anything I've seen recently. DVD extras are fairly standard, although I noticed the trailer contains scenes that weren't included in the film or as deleted scenes on the extras.