The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes

Comedy/Drama - 125min
Rating - (PG)
Release Date - 1970

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Where has the Hollywood of the 1970's gone? You know, the Hollywood that used dialogue and plot to sell tickets, instead of explosions and alien creatures. Billy Wilder directed many of my favorite movies from cinema past, including Double Indemnity, Sabrina, the Apartment, and Some Like it Hot. The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes was done late in Wilder's career, offering a less-than-serious look at Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famed sleuth. Robert Stephens as Holmes and Colin Blakely's portrayal of Watson are quite possibly the best cinematic recreation of the detective duo, despite this being an unofficial account. The story has all the beauty of a film noir, with Wilder's touch guiding the story to almost perfection as Holmes assists Madame Valladon in the search for her husband.

Region 1 Encoding (US and Canada only)
Sound: Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
Theatrical trailer
Christopher Lee: Mr. Holmes, Mr. Wilder
Interview with the editor
Deleted sequences
Photo gallery