Poster Forge - Custom Poster Maker

Download Poster Forge

Lost your cat and want help finding it? Lost and found posters are a common way to get the job done. Love those one-word motivational posters available at bookstore, but want to create your own? Look no further than Poster Forge, a freeware app that's like a lite version of expensive tools like Microsoft Publisher. You supply the photo, choose from preconfigured layouts, customize fonts, enter text, and size the whole project, then save out a file ready for printing as a poster. The core movie poster, motivational poster, and wanted poster styles are all fully customizable making it easy to get what you need from the poster. If your poster is larger than what's supported by your home printer, Poster Forge automatically prints sections across multiple pages so you can tile them together to create a finished product. [Windows 2k/XP/Vista $0.00]