WAV Saver

Download WAV Saver

Few things are more frustrating than losing data to a corrupted media file. I recently ran into a corrupt WAV file on a Compact Flash card and couldn't copy the file because after a few seconds of file transfer the copy process failed. Enter WAV Saver, a simple utility designed to salvage audio data from WAV files (more alternatives for this process coming soon). The app works by copy the contents of a WAV file to a new file, saving whatever bits are possible. If the WAV merely has corrupt headers or didn't properly mark an end of file, WAV Saver should copy the whole thing to a workable file without a hitch. In cases where the storage media is the problem, WAV Saver is fallible and can only copy a file up to the point where an error is encountered, but it is a better solution than losing WAV data altogether. In some cases, repeating the operation a few times results in capturing more of the audio file, depending on if the corrupt sections of a drive are merely flaky or truly damaged. [Windows 9x/2k/XP $0.00]