
Download ReNamer

Dealing with naming issues is one of the most tedious parts of keeping track of files of all types. It gets worse when you do a dump of 100 files at a time from your digital camera or are trying to sort through all the audio files piling up in a directory of stuff you recorded with a portable recording device. ReNamer is one of my new favorite tools for dealing with file naming issues. It handles all the tedious stuff and automates workflow handling individual files or entire folders, selecting a pre-configured series of steps and waiting for the output. For instance, if you take a bunch of photos on your weekend trip to the mountains, just import the photos from your camera and automatically run through changing the name of every file to something like April2005_Mountain_Trip_001.jpg, April2005_Mountain_Trip_002.jpg without the hassle of actually typing or copying the sequence. There are some apps designed to batch rename photos and music, but as a comprehensive batch renaming solution for all file types, I've found no app with more versatility.