Creating Cool Web Sites with HTML, XHTML, and CSS

Author: Dave Taylor
Pages: 405
ISBN: 0764557386

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Creating Cool Web Sites
Where was Creating Cool Web Sites when I first discovered HTML ten years ago? My first experiences with the Web amounted to a tutorial from a guy who barely knew more than I did. For anyone curious about creating a Web site, Creating Cool Web Sites is quite possibly the ultimate starter kit. The book offers clear guidance, preparing you to publish your first Web page within the first few hours of reading the book. Author Dave Taylor walks you through the basics of how the Web works, and then dives into how you can create your own Web site. Page layout concepts are presented in a way that layers the information from each successive chapter on what you already learned, building from a basic foundation until you master all the elements required to create visually compelling Web pages. The only thing Creating Cool Web Sites doesn't provide is the subject matter for your site (that part is up to you). Once the site is live on the Web, the book even offers suggestions about making it easy for people to find. Whether your goal is to share family photos with distant relatives, publish family genealogy, launch the next online travel site, or keep the church calendar of events up-to-date; Creating Cool Web Sites provides a smart introduction to publishing information on the Web.